Sunday, 30 October 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: I am NOT Broken

If we stop a moment to consider our Life Journey and then ask ourselves - do I honour my Life Journey? - we might be surprised by our answer.
This short course was designed to bring us to a stopping point - a moment of pause and reflection - so that we can reset our path in alignment with our Truth.

We spend an enormous amount of time in the exploits of survival and that can leave us feeling unfulfilled and empty.

Surely there is more to this life than just existing.

May this course be your moment of pause - a time to reflect so that you can choose to step into a new pathway - the pathway of your highest potential.
Imagine our world if all Beings could switch their mentality and live In Honour of Life.

Join the Course here:

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Which Way to Go

If our Heart knows what we seek, then this is KNOWN to us already.
Drop into your Heart and ask your Being - How are you in there?
Take one more step towards your magnificent self and agree that you know "this" because you are the Light for this that your Heart and Soul seeks.

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Which Way to Go

As we do this Life Journey we are being asked to discern and choose what it is that we truly seek and radiate towards. If our Heart knows what we seek, then this is KNOWN to us already. Drop into your Heart and ask your Being - How are you in there? Take one more step towards your magnificent self and agree that you know "this" because you are the Light for this that your Heart and Soul seek. The duality and contrast bring our attention to what we would choose and the life experiences help us to decide what it is that we would never choose again. And so the Journey of Life is in the creation of our Heart's deepest and most profound memory of who we Truly are. Listen to all past sessions on Insight Timer Live Chats here:

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: God Wink Story - Judy Harff

 In this video, Judy Harff and I chat about her God Wink story. Suzanne Giesemann spoke about the God wink in her Mediumship Course and this truly is a remarkable example of this.