Welcome to our 8th cluster as we release more cords of pain and distortion.
This month we will be working with the embedded codes of emotional pain for DEPRESSION * FRUSTRATION * INDECISIVENESS * PANIC. These Energy cords connect to the liver or gall bladder meridians.
Session 8.1 - 2nd April 2022 - Depression
Session 8.2 - 9th April 2022 - Frustration
Session 8.3 - 16th April 2022 - Indecisiveness
Session 8.4 - 23rd April 2022 - Panic
You are invited to participate in four Energy Healing sessions over a month where we will learn techniques to clear destructive low energy frequencies and codes in our own Energy Field and in the Collective Energy Field.
We will learn to do this together so that we can harness Collective Energy for the greater good of all Life.
INVITATION: https://youtu.be/hO8HyubTJiA