Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Joy Truscott: Release Conditional Energy - Season Ending

So often, when we gather at the end of another year, we create illusions and expectations of how we might wish to celebrate the holidays and our traditions. 

More often than not we find ourselves bitterly disappointed in one another and the behavior and performances of our collective gathering. 

How can we do this with more ease and flow?  #joytruscott #soulawakeningsa #family #traditions #celebrations #familydrama #familydynamics #conditionalenergy #energy

#holistichealth #holistichealing #yogadaily #yogajourney #healthcoach #healthcare #healthyhabits #healthylife #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #lovenature #islandlife #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selflove #abundance #mindbody #heal #healyourself #girlpower #loveyourbody #loveyourself #mentalhealth #healyourbody #energyhealing

Thursday, 8 December 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: What is Your Gesture Signature?

The uniqueness of our Being is like a perfume that is distinct to each one of us. This I understand to be our Essence. Along with this signature of distinction we also present a certain set of gestures that can be felt, seen and known by those who see us.

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Overwhelmed with Life - Remember Who You Are

Have you been feeling like you are so utterly immersed in the clutter, chaos, and misery of life? Perhaps a little desperate and disappointed that you are not doing your life journey better ... let us understand this from an energy-healing perspective.
Joy Truscott shares concepts and moments of Guidance as we talk about our Energy Field and how this awareness can change our life perception.
Watch the full video here: Joy Truscott shares concepts and moments of Guidance as we talk about our Energy Field and how this awareness can change our life perception.

* This webinar will also bring clarity to this idea: IF YOU CAN FEEL IT - YOU CAN HEAL IT: https://www.joytruscott.com/lets-chat/feel-to-heal

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Reactivating the Heart Code - Disconnect an...

Joy Truscott shares concepts and moments of Guidance as we talk about Energy. In this video, we consider the gift of our free will and our ability to choose. May we know this once again as our power and reactivate the Heart Code.

"I AM Divinely and Uniquely Encoded Within for the Magnificence of this Life Journey" (words from Guidance to Joy Truscott. Read about this in - A Journey to Remember - Recapturing the Unique Codes of our Magnificence. AVAILABLE ON AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Books-Joy-Truscott/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AJoy+Truscott

LINKS TO OTHER RESOURCES: https://linktr.ee/soulawakeningsa  

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: I am NOT Broken

If we stop a moment to consider our Life Journey and then ask ourselves - do I honour my Life Journey? - we might be surprised by our answer.
This short course was designed to bring us to a stopping point - a moment of pause and reflection - so that we can reset our path in alignment with our Truth.

We spend an enormous amount of time in the exploits of survival and that can leave us feeling unfulfilled and empty.

Surely there is more to this life than just existing.

May this course be your moment of pause - a time to reflect so that you can choose to step into a new pathway - the pathway of your highest potential.
Imagine our world if all Beings could switch their mentality and live In Honour of Life.

Join the Course here: https://www.udemy.com/course/newlifecontract/?referralCode=08904E9F190394B98479

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Which Way to Go

If our Heart knows what we seek, then this is KNOWN to us already.
Drop into your Heart and ask your Being - How are you in there?
Take one more step towards your magnificent self and agree that you know "this" because you are the Light for this that your Heart and Soul seeks.

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Which Way to Go

As we do this Life Journey we are being asked to discern and choose what it is that we truly seek and radiate towards. If our Heart knows what we seek, then this is KNOWN to us already. Drop into your Heart and ask your Being - How are you in there? Take one more step towards your magnificent self and agree that you know "this" because you are the Light for this that your Heart and Soul seek. The duality and contrast bring our attention to what we would choose and the life experiences help us to decide what it is that we would never choose again. And so the Journey of Life is in the creation of our Heart's deepest and most profound memory of who we Truly are. Listen to all past sessions on Insight Timer Live Chats here: https://www.joytruscott.com/insight-timer-live

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: God Wink Story - Judy Harff

 In this video, Judy Harff and I chat about her God Wink story. Suzanne Giesemann spoke about the God wink in her Mediumship Course and this truly is a remarkable example of this.  

Saturday, 17 September 2022

Joy Truscott Short Courses: Elevate - Welcome Invitation to Online Cours...

Short Online Course with Udemy by Joy Truscott: Elevate - Disconnect Old Patterns & Transform Your Life.
The pain you have been carrying is a reflection of the pain of Humanity. When one heals it opens a window and possibility of healing for all Beings.  Elevate will guide you through 6 steps to help you to find more ease, grace and harmony in the challenges and impact points of this Life Journey.
In all our longing, yearning and deep desires for Peace, Harmony, Wellness, Abundance and Love we are remembering who we are – Beings of Light and Love.
It is time for us to reconnect to our Essence and Remember who we are.  Learning how to release the impact points of pain and create harmony is a skill we can acquire.  As we Elevate our Awareness we begin to live the life we desire and seek.

Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: The Ripple-Effect - Meeting Zach Bush

There is something magical that can happen when we trust our instinct, say yes to Life and all the experiences that delight our Heart and resonate as Truth. Meeting Zach Bush was one of those moments that stand alone in time. Listen to how this happened. Love and gratitude to Inge van Rooyen, Dr Nicky Whiteman and Anastasia Jamieson for sharing this experience with me. 

Saturday, 27 August 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Take another look at Vulnerability

As we release the cords and codes of pain and despair we find ourselves becoming free of the baggage that we have been dragging along for generations.

For those who have not done the Healing Cords of Pain sessions, it is available as an online workshop. 

If you would like to encourage someone to do some specific clearing you can point them to this page to access the cluster they choose.  


#joytruscott #soulawakeningsa #cordsofpain #healing #emotioncodes #healingcodes #vulnerability #releasetrauma

Monday, 27 June 2022

Joy Truscott Clearing in the Collective: INVITATION TO CLUSTER 11

For the month of July, we are going to bring release to the cords of pain and despair that are associated with the lung and colon meridians.  
We have all known rejection,  sadness, sorrow and that sense of discouragement.  When we find ourselves to be seemingly "stuck" in these pain signals, it is likely that we are holding the embedded memories of our line and these are being ignited by our own trauma. 
When this happens we often feel overwhelmed by a sense of sorrow that is greater than we can manage.
It is our greatest privilege to be able to do the release work for these immense energy signals and the effort we apply ripples into our family and connections in a most remarkable way. 

Join us for 4 sessions and let us make a difference in our own life and the lives of those with whom we live.
2nd July 2022: Release Discouragement
9th July 2022: Release Rejection
16th July 2022: Release Sadness
23rd July 2022: Release Sorrow 

BOOK HERE: https://bookme.name/JOYTRUSCOTT/lite/copy-of-clearing-the-codes-in-the-collective-cluster-11 

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Joy Truscott: Collective Healing Connection SESSION 29 - SOLSTICE June 2...

Gathering in the Collective for Healing. Find the Guided Connections here: https://www.joytruscott.com/collective-healing.html #joytruscott #soulawakeningsa #healing #solstice

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Permission to Grow - comes from Letting Go

Permission to Grow - Comes from Letting Go
Perhaps it is time for us to let something go so that we can open the door for something else and we give ourselves permission to grow beyond that point of pain.

Friday, 22 April 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Release Your Painful Imprints

Joy Truscott shares concepts and moments of Guidance as we talk about Energy. Join us in this Guided Connection as we hold the vibration for deep and profound healing. Enjoy the tones of N.O.W. Tone Therapy Bells.

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Genetic - Energetic Imprints

Talking Energy with Joy Truscott: Let us understand the impact of our Genetic and Energetic imprints upon our sense of well-being.
Like a comet - we carry a trail behind us that is evidence of all that has crashed and collided into our pathway of life's experiences. 

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Joy Truscott Clearing in the Collective: INVITATION TO CLUSTER 8

Welcome to our 8th cluster as we release more cords of pain and distortion. 
This month we will be working with the embedded codes of emotional pain for DEPRESSION * FRUSTRATION * INDECISIVENESS * PANIC. These Energy cords connect to the liver or gall bladder meridians.

Session 8.1 - 2nd April 2022 -  Depression
Session 8.2 - 9th April 2022 -   Frustration
Session 8.3 - 16th April 2022 - Indecisiveness
Session 8.4 - 23rd April 2022 - Panic
You are invited to participate in four Energy Healing sessions over a month where we will learn techniques to clear destructive low energy frequencies and codes in our own Energy Field and in the Collective Energy Field. 
We will learn to do this together so that we can harness Collective Energy for the greater good of all Life.

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Suppressed Energy and Emotions

As we talk about Energy we begin to understand our full that is waiting for us to reach towards it. We suppress so many of our emotions, shaming and blaming our Being for feeling these "disturbing" feelings. The Truth is that these signals are nudges from Guidance. Let us begin to connect and reintegrate our awareness through our whole MindBodyBeing.  

Friday, 25 February 2022

Joy Truscott Clearing in the Collective - INVITATION TO CLUSTER 7

For the month of March we are going to be working on the next cluster as we release the emotion cords of pain for:
Find out more here:

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Tapping into Radiant Awareness - Charmaine ...

Talking with Charmaine Roodt was so inspiring. Charmaine asked this question and we thought we would talk about this for you to listen to. "Are there simple easy practices to tap into the feminine side without drama and performance?" 

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: MindBodyBeing Reconnection

Joy Truscott shares concepts and moments of Guidance as we talk about Energy. With kind permission from a dear client, this session is shared with you to listen to the background awareness - so that - we can build upon this scaffolding of understanding to do the deep inner release work. Ways to work with Joy: https://bookme.name/JOYTRUSCOTT

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Joy Truscott Online Self-Study Workshop Clearing Cords of Pain - Release...

It really is time for us to release these cords and codes of pain. We just cannot go on trying to Maneuver past these heavy feelings of FAILURE * HELPLESSNESS * HOPELESSNESS * LACK OF CONTROL * LOW SELF-ESTEEM
In your own time connect to this home study to empower your being and enrich your Life Journey.

Thursday, 27 January 2022

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: The Next Step - Why learning how to read En...

Dr Lynne Derman and Joy talked about Energy and Lynne kindly granted me permission to use a part of our session to share what we discussed.

For us to take the next step as a species we will find it a little easier if we can make more confident and informed decisions.

For us to discern the best possible pathway forward we will be required to tap into Guidance, Insight and Intuition - our Higher Self.

Learning the skills to do that is a matter of awakening the codes and signals that are already embedded in our Being.

Join our Essential Workshop to begin this Inner Journey that will support your expanded awareness and development of accessing your intuition and Higher Self.

February 2022 - we will be connecting for 2 classes that will help us to begin this journey in earnest.

Sign up here: https://bookme.name/JOYTRUSCOTT/lite/guidance-for-confidence-tapping-into-guidance

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Joy Truscott: Webinar Invitation - Guidance for Confidence - using a pen...

We are going to meet online to enjoy 2 afternoons as we gain skills and confidence in tapping into Guidance with the use of our pendulum and other resources. 

Let me teach you what I do to support my day-to-day decisions and ideas.