Sunday, 29 August 2021

Joy Truscott Clearing in the Collective - Invitation to Heal

We are on a profound Inner Journey to release cord, codes and imprints of pain, distortion and despair from our MindBodyBeing.
You are invited to participate in our Energy Healing sessions.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Joy Truscott Clearing in the Collective - August 2021

Joy Truscott invites you to join us in our Collective Healing as we unwrap the codes and cords of pain and suffering from our system. We are going to take one embedded imprint at a time and clear the pathways of the pain and distortions these are creating in our Life Journeys. In the month of August we will be clearing the cords of Blame, Dread, Fear and Horror. How to join? Here is the link: