Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Joy Truscott Talking Energy - Conditional Energy: The Subtle Hook

Joy Truscott shares concepts and moments of Guidance as we talk about Energy. In this chat, we talk about conditional energy. So subtle is conditional energy and if we do not pay attention to this undercurrent of control we can easily feel manipulated and betrayed.  

Monday, 28 June 2021

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: The Sense of Foreboding

From our ancestral lines codes or signals are passed on to us to help us to react immediately to any sense of danger or need for survival.  These are carried forward and hover as a sense in our Being - a sense that makes no sense.  It is time to clear these so that we can move forward in this life with a heightened sense of thriving and expanding into our potential. 

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Just Holding Light

Bring all your troubles and pain into this quiet space for deep and profound Healing.  We open our magnificent Heart and beam unconditional Love.  Relax the burden of holding, fixing, doing and pursuing and anchor the radiant Light Energy into and through your Being.  In this stillness we allow our Being to sense that Inner stillness and calm. #joytruscott #soulawakeningsa #meditation #graciousspace 

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Joy Truscott Talking Energy - Our Belief System

When we think about the many systems of our body that function without us having to manage their process, we gain a different perspective about the magnificence of this body and its Design. Holding the structures and systems in momentum is affected by our Belief System. Let's talk about this.