Sunday, 21 February 2021

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Certainty in Uncertainty

This video from a few months ago - certainty in uncertainty.  How is that possible?

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Home to My Heart

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Anchoring the Energy Field

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Mindfully Speaking

#TalkingEnergy: Mindful Speaking

A friend was telling me how he would tell people that he was "putting out fires" when they asked him how he was managing.

And then he found himself putting out a fire in his home.


How exceptional are we as Beings of Light and Love.

We become #mindful of the Energy of our spoken #words and #thoughts.

#joytruscott #soulawakeningsa #graciousspace #mindfulness

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Sacred Integration

Reconnect to your Sacred Inner Light Reconnection.  Drawing in the from Mother Earth and receiving Blessings of Love from Father Divine Light, we merge our field of awareness to create a stable inner core, from which we can radiate.  We create an Energy circuit of absolute Love.

Saturday, 6 February 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Home to My Heart

Joy Truscott shares concepts and moments of Guidance as we meet every second Saturday to hold Gracious Space.
Home to My Heart Guided Connection: Opening our portal of Light to connect into the highest frequency of Light and Love that we can hold at this time.
We amplify our Heart Energy with the connection of anticipation so that our Sacred Heart can illuminate the path home to our Heart - our One Divine Heart.

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Joy Truscott: Elevate - Welcome and Join Invitation

Joy Truscott invites you to join this short course hosted on WE-BEing platform as we choose to elevate our energy so that we can establish a new default setting, away from the limbic, reactive setting that we have been choosing in our quest to just survive.