Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Anchoring the Energy Field

We have been experiencing stopping points in our Energy Field for a few years now and I have been monitoring this since September 2017.
Stopping point is a vital Energy for us to hold and now we are being asked to stop, not just to realign our own Energy Field but to also anchoring the Energy through our Form.
Understanding the process we have been moving through to get to this point is available as a webinar and resources from the link sign-up: http://bit.ly/JOYwaveINSIGHT Let us talk about the anchoring of Energy in this short video.

Saturday, 23 January 2021

Joy Truscott: Guided Meditations - Connections without the Static

Connections without the Static

Let us see our connections in a whole new way.  Noticing that every connection is just that - a connection.  We give ourselves permission to not place labels of disregard, hate, anger, fear, shame, blame and self-judgement in front of that connection. Standing in a neutral space with what is and what has been, we can disconnect the labels that distort our perceptions and our experiences.  Holding a new field of awareness we step into our courage and strength as we heal that distortion of pain.  

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Anchoring Awareness of Higher Self 2021

As we step into this new year, we connect into a new agreement to hold Energy in a new way. 
May you remember and awaken as you hold Gracious Space.