Saturday, 30 October 2021

Joy Truscott Clearing in the Collective: Invitation to Cluster 4

Tired of feeling the pain of emotions that make no sense? Join Joy Truscott as we work on Clearing Codes in the Collective: Invitation to Cluster 4

Monday, 27 September 2021

Joy Truscott Clearing in the Collective: Invitation to CLUSTER 3

Dear Ones, for those of you who have been part of the deep inner healing journey each month, I thank you for your dedication. It has been amazing to hear your stories and experiences after doing the release work. We are connecting into a new cluster of healing cords of pain and emotion codes of hardship from our Energy Being. This month of October we will be releasing the Energy signals of CONFLICT, CREATIVE INSECURITY, FEELING UNSUPPORTED and TERROR. Read more here ... 💜💜💜

Sunday, 29 August 2021

Joy Truscott Clearing in the Collective - Invitation to Heal

We are on a profound Inner Journey to release cord, codes and imprints of pain, distortion and despair from our MindBodyBeing.
You are invited to participate in our Energy Healing sessions.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Joy Truscott Clearing in the Collective - August 2021

Joy Truscott invites you to join us in our Collective Healing as we unwrap the codes and cords of pain and suffering from our system. We are going to take one embedded imprint at a time and clear the pathways of the pain and distortions these are creating in our Life Journeys. In the month of August we will be clearing the cords of Blame, Dread, Fear and Horror. How to join? Here is the link:

Monday, 26 July 2021

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Let's Make This Happen

Let's Make it Happen refers to the potential we have to bring collective healing energy towards our species and our world - if we can remember how to harness our Beings as Energy.

Once we release the embedded codes of pain and suffering, associated with survival energy, we can begin to design the world that we care to embrace.

Find out how you can make a difference here:

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Awakening our Call

In this Guided Meditation we are being called to Awaken and remember who we are.  Stand still for a moment and allow your MindBodyBeing to help you to remember that every part of you is designed to bring in Healing, Light and Love.

Friday, 23 July 2021

Joy Truscott Clearing in the Collective: Invitation

Now is your opportunity to do something of immense value:

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Joy Truscott Talking Energy - Conditional Energy: The Subtle Hook

Joy Truscott shares concepts and moments of Guidance as we talk about Energy. In this chat, we talk about conditional energy. So subtle is conditional energy and if we do not pay attention to this undercurrent of control we can easily feel manipulated and betrayed.  

Monday, 28 June 2021

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: The Sense of Foreboding

From our ancestral lines codes or signals are passed on to us to help us to react immediately to any sense of danger or need for survival.  These are carried forward and hover as a sense in our Being - a sense that makes no sense.  It is time to clear these so that we can move forward in this life with a heightened sense of thriving and expanding into our potential. 

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Just Holding Light

Bring all your troubles and pain into this quiet space for deep and profound Healing.  We open our magnificent Heart and beam unconditional Love.  Relax the burden of holding, fixing, doing and pursuing and anchor the radiant Light Energy into and through your Being.  In this stillness we allow our Being to sense that Inner stillness and calm. #joytruscott #soulawakeningsa #meditation #graciousspace 

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Joy Truscott Talking Energy - Our Belief System

When we think about the many systems of our body that function without us having to manage their process, we gain a different perspective about the magnificence of this body and its Design. Holding the structures and systems in momentum is affected by our Belief System. Let's talk about this.

Sunday, 30 May 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: The Life Most Worthy

We forget who we are in our busy pursuit of this Life Journey, in all the obligations and irritations that we create. These distract us and so often defeat our courage and we forget that we Divine Beings of Light and Love and that we have been encoded for the magnificence of this Life Journey. 

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: In Divine Design

Like a spider web, we are poised upon the intricate design of this Life Journey. Our experiences are interwoven as we guide each other through the myriad of exchanges and experiences. We must remember that all the while the Great Designer hold us all perfectly as we spin and weave our unique designs.

Friday, 14 May 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation - Session 1 Collective Healing Connection

Like ripples opening in a pond, we can amplify the Energy frequencies to radiate immense Light, Love and Wellness into the Collective Field.

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Lighten the Path

Every second Saturday Joy Truscott and Conscious Light Workers gather to hold Gracious Space and meditate. This week we received this message - Lighten the Path. We hold an immense burden of life as we try to help and uplift one another. In holding and connecting we also gather an immense amount of static energy that is not ours. Holding this de-presses our own energy field and renders us less capable of holding Light. Let us find another way to hold one another in Light.

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditations: The Brightest Light

The longing to be in the deep inner stillness and just breathe the breath of life into this MindBodyBeing. 
Honouring the space that we are holding we connect into the Energy Field around us. 
From this space we hold the highest vibration of Light and Love and beam from our solar plexus.
Simply agree that you are a Healer and then use your Light with care and precision.

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Healing Clearing & Transmitting

Joy Truscott connect with Conscious Beings every second Saturday as we hold Gracious Space and meditate together. We are coming into a new Energy space and we are being asked to become clear and light so that we can keep holding Gracious Space. Allow yourself to receive deep and profound healing so that you can show up in this Life experience as your most luminous Being of Love and Light.

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Certainty in Uncertainty

This video from a few months ago - certainty in uncertainty.  How is that possible?

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Home to My Heart

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Anchoring the Energy Field

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Mindfully Speaking

#TalkingEnergy: Mindful Speaking

A friend was telling me how he would tell people that he was "putting out fires" when they asked him how he was managing.

And then he found himself putting out a fire in his home.


How exceptional are we as Beings of Light and Love.

We become #mindful of the Energy of our spoken #words and #thoughts.

#joytruscott #soulawakeningsa #graciousspace #mindfulness

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Sacred Integration

Reconnect to your Sacred Inner Light Reconnection.  Drawing in the from Mother Earth and receiving Blessings of Love from Father Divine Light, we merge our field of awareness to create a stable inner core, from which we can radiate.  We create an Energy circuit of absolute Love.

Saturday, 6 February 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Home to My Heart

Joy Truscott shares concepts and moments of Guidance as we meet every second Saturday to hold Gracious Space.
Home to My Heart Guided Connection: Opening our portal of Light to connect into the highest frequency of Light and Love that we can hold at this time.
We amplify our Heart Energy with the connection of anticipation so that our Sacred Heart can illuminate the path home to our Heart - our One Divine Heart.

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Joy Truscott: Elevate - Welcome and Join Invitation

Joy Truscott invites you to join this short course hosted on WE-BEing platform as we choose to elevate our energy so that we can establish a new default setting, away from the limbic, reactive setting that we have been choosing in our quest to just survive.

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Joy Truscott Talking Energy: Anchoring the Energy Field

We have been experiencing stopping points in our Energy Field for a few years now and I have been monitoring this since September 2017.
Stopping point is a vital Energy for us to hold and now we are being asked to stop, not just to realign our own Energy Field but to also anchoring the Energy through our Form.
Understanding the process we have been moving through to get to this point is available as a webinar and resources from the link sign-up: Let us talk about the anchoring of Energy in this short video.

Saturday, 23 January 2021

Joy Truscott: Guided Meditations - Connections without the Static

Connections without the Static

Let us see our connections in a whole new way.  Noticing that every connection is just that - a connection.  We give ourselves permission to not place labels of disregard, hate, anger, fear, shame, blame and self-judgement in front of that connection. Standing in a neutral space with what is and what has been, we can disconnect the labels that distort our perceptions and our experiences.  Holding a new field of awareness we step into our courage and strength as we heal that distortion of pain.  

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Joy Truscott Guided Meditation: Anchoring Awareness of Higher Self 2021

As we step into this new year, we connect into a new agreement to hold Energy in a new way. 
May you remember and awaken as you hold Gracious Space.