Sunday, 22 September 2019

Our Legacy is in YOUR hands

#IamStaying What would you choose if you knew that your decision about how to live your life can directly impact all life?  When we stand in our Truth and begin to behave like exceptional Beings, we can change everything. A commitment to a better life for all starts with allowing that dream to unfold from a deep longing for a better life.

Monday, 11 March 2019

Joy Truscott's Gracious Space: Energy is spiralling - Invitation to Connect

Joy Truscott's Gracious Space: Energy is spiralling - Invitation to Connect via @YouTube  - What you are sensing as rapid changes and fluctuations in your MindBody Awareness is spot-on.  You know more than you think you know.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Joy Truscott's Gracious Space: Balancing the Brain

Find your balance by knowing how to take the pressure off when we balance the brain. Joy Truscott shares a simple way to connect with your perfect balance.  MOre resources here: