Thursday, 9 October 2014

Joy Truscott: A Journey to Remember - sharing concepts from the book

A Journey to Remember: Recapturing our Unique Codes of Magnificence Our Life Journey is filled with experiences that often press us into a mind space that is filled with fear, sadness, depression and anger. Somehow we seem to have forgotten who we really are. The challenges and frustrations of daily living are like tight ropes that strangle and choke us. This book reveals the connection between our painful carrying of these cords and our ability to release them. Joy Truscott received a Vision that brought the clarity of our Life Journey into exquisite perfection. The Guidance is shared so that we may all find our Higher and Magnificent Self while we experience the Unfolding of this Life Journey. There is one Life Purpose and that is to Release all pain and suffering to Light and Love. May you Remember your Divine Life Journey.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Experiencing Life Creatively as we Reflect upon the Life Journey

Reflecting upon Life - Experiencing Life Creatively with Joy Truscott

I believe it is our uniqueness, ingenuity and creativeness that allow us to interpret the meaning of our Life Journey.  When we learn how to tap into our Inner Resources we find the Resiliency of our Soul. 

Why is it that some people seem to manage their life, despite the adversity and challenges?

This Life Journey is filled with experiences, some that we cherish and some that leave us in pain and doubt.  Often, our Life Experiences can leave us feeling overwhelmed, hollow or depressed.  

No life is without aspects that challenge us, sometimes beyond what we believe we can endure.  Yet, there are those that seem to survive and those that even seem to THRIVE amidst the many pressures and life stressors.  
When we begin to view our Life as a Journey and take stock of the gifts that have come our way to nudge us into Awakening - then we begin to awaken to our Divine Life Purpose.
Just a moment of pause and reflection will bring us to this point of Shift and when that happens we stand within our Potential, ready to transform and be our Magnificent Self.
Right now - PAUSE - breathe and Know that you are the very Breath of God.

DepressionGetHelp: Depression is Repression

DepressionGetHelp: Depression is Repression: Depression - It's Trapped in Our Memory Is it possible that you are the messenger of the memories of your family line ? ...